Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Homework Weeks 8 & 9

For the next two weeks, the children in Room 3 have been set a research project for their homework. They need to choose something that really interests them, it can be anything from a sport, space, book, music, dance or TV programme. They need to prepare a short presentation about their topic that they can present to the class. It can be in any form and doesn't have to be very long. Ideas could include: a poem, performing a dance, singing a song, making a poster, playing an instrument, a short powerpoint, bringing in a model or diagram. It's all about being creative and doing something they are passionate about. I am really looking forward to seeing the presentations. I will include photos of the presentations in my next post.
Mrs McLeod and Room 3

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Religious Education - Jesus Strand

Last week we read about Jesus's first miracle at the wedding at Cana. We discussed the bible reading and then we acted out the story with children taking on different parts. Here are some photos of our lesson.
Guests at the wedding

The Disciples

The Bride and Bridegroom

Mary and Jesus

Wedding Organiser


Guests at the wedding