Thursday, 7 July 2016

Chocolate Moon Sand

On Monday we made chocolate moon sand for a language experience activity. We made the moon sand, then played with it and made things out of it. We then wrote about the moon sand. We had to describe what it looked like, what it felt like, what it tasted like and what it could do. We came up with lots of wow words to describe the moon sand. Here is the recipe if you want to make it during the holidays:

16 ounces of corn flour
1/3 cup of baking soda
cocoa (as desired)
Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Slowly add water until you have a crumbly, yet moldable sand dough. If you add too much water, it will turn into oobleck!!!

Here are some photos.

Book Week 2016

We had such an amazing book week this year. We loved dressing up on Friday for the book character parade. This is what we dressed up in!!!!