Monday, 9 June 2014


Room 3 had such a brilliant time last week during bookweek. We really enjoyed listening to the visiting authors and watching the space jump show. Mrs McLeod loved reading lots of interesting books to the children. We had lots of fun buddy reading with different classes and visiting the bookfair. In our classroom we did a variety of activities related to the books we had been reading. Here are some photos of our characters we dressed up as, for the parade. Can you recognise us??? and can you name the character we are?????


  1. "The best thing about book week is dressing up as characters, my character was Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, I think my red sparkly shoes gave my character away, I liked seeing everyone on stage" Allessandra Haydon

  2. Lucy, I really liked your dress, it looks really pretty.

    I really liked getting dressed up for book week.

  3. Mia, I really liked your costume because your jacket was cool!

  4. I liked everyone's creative costumes. I hope everyone has good costumes next year.

  5. I really enjoyed the characters that people dressed up as. It was a fun time during book week.

  6. We had fun at the bookfair. I was a ninja. I liked Noah's Happy Feet costume, because it was fluffy and cute. I liked standing up on the stage.

  7. Joey The book week was very fun & I dressed up as the Diary of The Whimpy Kid.

